It's a brand new year. It's the year that I'm making my move to Costa Rica. And things are moving along nicely.
I've registered for
CELTA training at the Instituto Britanico in Los Yoses, Costa Rica. The course begins March 5th. Some people say that it's possible to find a job without any sort of
TEFL certificate, but I will feel much more comfortable having formal training, experience in front of a real classroom, and local contacts. Plus it will give me a month to get a feel for my new location.
I've scoured the Internet in an effort to contact as many people who have taught in Costa Rica as possible. Many folks have been incredibly helpful, providing me with information about schools, travel tips, job hunting, and housing. It's encouraging to know that there are plenty of people who have made the move and have had positive experiences. I feel confident that I'll be able to do the same.
It's a good thing I have that confidence and encouragement, too. I put in my two-weeks notice at my current job yesterday. So far, people at work have taken the news well. They're actually very supportive of my plan and most wish they could do it themselves. I have gotten a few strange looks. "You're going
where?" "Do they even have
electricity there???" "You don't have another
real job lined up?!" But for the most part, people think it's cool.
So my days in Ohio are numbered. I'll move back to Tennessee when I've finished my work obligations. That will give me an opportunity to spend time with friends and family before leaving the country. There are only a few things left to do before I can begin my new life. It's all very exciting!
Labels: costa rica