Either I have an incredible guardian angel, or Marta has talked her family into looking out for me. Today, when they came over for Sunday lunch, her brother-in-law asked me if I needed to go to Panama soon to get my passport stamped. The timing was too good to be a coincidence. I've only been fretting over this trip for weeks. I told him that I had to go in a couple of weeks, and he offered to go with me to David, Panama. I wanted to run over and hug him, I was so grateful! Instead, I offered a handshake and a heartfelt "muchas gracias." He gave me his phone number and said to call him a few days before I need to go. I don't know that there's much to do in David, compared to Panama City or Bocas del Toro, where I'd been thinking of going. But I don't care. I'm just happy to have a travel buddy to guide my way. He did say that the trip would be cheap, though the bus ride is about 10 hours. Fine by me.
I swear, some days I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I worry. I make plans that fall apart. But in the end, things just seem to work out. I think that's the biggest lesson that Costa Rica has to offer me: Go with it. Stuff happens. Make the best of it. Accept what you can't control. Be flexible and go with the flow.
A good attitude goes a lot further than a good plan.
Labels: costa rica
*Excuse any misspellings with the Spanish, it's been years since I've written more than hola or adios* :)