Good: I got a haircut. I was getting pretty shaggy. I pondered just having it trimmed up, but the heat of the day (it was almost 90 this afternoon) swayed me to get buzzed. It took me a bit of effort to explain what I wanted, and the stylist checked a few times with me before attacking me with the clippers. It turned out alright. It's very short, easy to manage, and not nearly as hot.
Mostly Good: I might move closer to the school. Another teacher is apartment hunting and asked if I'd be interested in being roommates if she found a two-bedroom. We looked at a place today that was decent, affordable, and close enough to be convenient and far enough to be peaceful. Unfortunately, it won't be available until next month. It's small. Maybe not by Tico standards, but it's tiny to me after having an entire floor of a house to myself. It'd take some adjusting to get used to cramped quarters with a roommate. We're going to keep looking, but I wouldn't mind another month in my 'hood. That gives me time to figure out how to move when I have no transportation of my own.
Horrible: One of the administrators at my school was mugged. He was at an ATM and someone knocked him out from behind. He woke up on the ground, stunned and disoriented. I didn't get all the details, but I heard enough to be shaken myself. Heredia is considered to be safer than San Jose. It was the middle of the day. There's crime everywhere, all the time, obviously; however, it's scary when it hits this close to home. At a time when I'm starting to feel more comfortable here, this is a strong reminder that I'm not playing a game. It's important to stay alert and take precautions to be safe. I can't let my guard down.
I had a hard time getting on the bus to go back to my house after that. But, although I need to be careful, I can't be overwhelmed by fear. I can't hide. I have to keep that in mind.
I'll admit I'm even more nervous about making the solo trip to Panama in a few weeks, though. I wish I could find a travel companion for that one.
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